Australia has received a mixed report card when it comes to our nation's health.
The good news:
* We're living 25 years longer compared to a century ago, with men expected to live to 80, women to 84.
* Improved survival rates associated with cancer and other diseases.
The bad news:
* More of us are suffering from chronic life-style related diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, mental illness and cancer.
Click here for more information, and to find out the risk-factors for these chronic diseases.
A recent survey has found that Aussie kids are among the least active in the world!
More than 80% fail to get one hour of exercise per day, and 70% spend more than two hours a day watching an electronic screen. There are fears this could lead to a potential future health crisis of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
While organised sport is important, a big issue is the lack of "incidental exercise", that is, the work out we get by walking to and from destinations, and reducing sitting time.
See here for more info.
We are finalists in the 2014 St George Local Business Awards!
Awards night is Wednesday 16th July. Thanks so much for your support, and wish us luck!