Shoulder pain is common with around 65% of people experiencing shoulder pain at some stage in their lives. Shoulder pain may radiate into the head and neck or down the ar. Sometimes the pain is in fact caused by problems with the neck or spine rather the shoulder itself.
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the body and also the most unstable, making it the most dislocated joint in the body. Because of this, the shoulder relies heavily on ligaments, muscle and cartilage for support.
Our physiotherapist will complete a comprehensive assessment of your pain and symptoms, and agree the best treatment plan for you which may include. Also, you can expect education and exercises to correct posture and strengthening, flexibility and control exercises.
Treatment of shoulder pain includes
- soft tissue therapy
- dry needling
- taping
- joint mobilisation
- heat therapy
- strengthening exercises
Effective self-care at home plays a crucial role in facilitating a swift recovery. It is essential to adjust and minimize activities that may exacerbate discomfort. However, it is equally important to engage in some level of activity. Starting with gentle exercises will re-activate all muscle groups, promoting both mobility and pain alleviation.